Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Hunter!!

I haven't posted in a few days...we had a busy weekend! I have lots of cute pictures of Jack, pics from the Whitmore Lake festival on Saturday, and Hunter's birthday party on Sunday...I just need to get caught up! Today Hunter turns 3. We had a fun party at the house yesterday. This morning he got to open a few little presents before school. Nick and I went to his school for his birthday ceremony and snack time--he acted up in class with us there, but the teacher said all the kids do that when the parents are around. He went home to hang out with Monica until we get home. We're going out to dinner tonight and have a few more gifts for him. Monica got him a cute outfit and a new really neat puzzle, so thanks Monica.
Thank you to everyone who attended his birthday party too.
We were happy to have you come celebrate with us!!

The birthday boy! He was almost in tears on the way to school saying he still wanted to be 2, not 3...goofball.

Before school this morning. I let him open two presents. One was a Diego Saves the Sea Turtles book and a Melissa & Doug spelling puzzle. I think he ruined this shirt today at school--blue marker all over it! Yesterday blowing out his birthday candle. Gigi make him a Mickey Mouse cake--we appreciate her making it so much and Hunter loved it!!

Two funny things recently from the birthday boy:

1) On the way to school I usually let him eat cheerios from his snack trap. Today I forgot it and he remembered like one minute from school and asked for it. I said, "I'm sorry honey. I forgot it today, but we'll be sure to have it tomorrow". He looked at me totally serious and said "You are a bad mommy!" Thanks buddy.

2) Friday Monica watched the kids and Julie, our new nanny, was there shadowing her. They put him down for a nap, but I was home when he woke up. I went in his room and he looked right at me and started crying HYSTERICALLY. He said "I want Monica and Julie". He was so upset that they were gone (especially Monica) and that I was there. It really hurt my feelings, but at the same time, I'm glad he likes them so much!

Hunter, we love you SO much...and so do so many other people. You are so blessed to have such a loving family and friends. You are an amazing little boy and growing up so fast. You have a great personality and you are constantly making us laugh, while testing our patience at the same time :)

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