Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Go Blue!

We had several friends in town this weekend for the UCONN vs U of M game. We had two couples each with kids at our house Friday and a third couple Saturday night. It was so much fun to get together! The tailgate was freezing...I was not smart and didn't dress properly. Thank goodness someone let me borrow their fleece or I would have stayed in the car the whole game.

Me, Jacque, Suzanne, and Julie. All of our husbands/boyfriends lived together in college.
Mike, Joe, Justin, and Nick...college roommates. Making their "angry face".

Mike & Jacque. They have a little boy Michael who is Jack's age...They live in Baltimore.

Suzanne and I have become good friends through our husbands.
I wish they wouldn't have moved back to Texas! I am still hoping Hunter will marry their 5 year old Linnea. haha.

Justin & Nick are a lot of trouble when they get together.
Joe & Julie live in Baltimore also

Justin & Suzanne. Their two older kids were at the grandparents. She had a four week old in the car during the tailgate and a family friend watched her during the game at her house. She's a trooper driving all three kids up here after just having a baby 4 weeks ago!

Mike & Justin
Hmmmm. A few too many beers?
My hot husband! haha.

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