Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pre-Christmas fun

We've been trying to do lots of fun things this time of year. I love having fun traditions that we can do with the kids. We started Elf on the Shelf this year. If you don't know what that is, you need to google it, b/c it's been a lot of fun. Hunter helped decorate the trees, did baking with Nana, and more. We have an advent calendar with chocolate. Surprisingly, the kids don't bug me about it and we are at least 10 days behind, which is fine with me. We also made a poster counting down the days till Christmas and Hunter crosses off a number each day. Yesterday the kids made and decorated gingerbread cookies with Julie, but I didn't have a gingerbread cookie cutter, so they had to improvise. Also, I got these gingerbread cookies you can decorate that are on a stick...we're going to do that tonight or tomorrow. Nick and I are off work tomorrow and Hoppy and Mimi are coming tomorrow evening. I have a dr appt in the morning and Nana is going to Hunter's school for his Christmas sing and taking him back to her house for the afternoon to do some baking and hang out. Yay! I still have a few last minute items to wrap and get situated....we have a busy time coming up...Friday, Saturday, Sunday and then we leave for FL on Tuesday bright and early!

Hunter and I ate a cookie after Jack was in bed last night...they were tasty! Far better than they looked, but what do you expect when a 2 and 4 year old are using frosting?

He was very proud of his cookie that had an "H" on it :)
I put up all the picture cards on our pantry door. I'm a dork, but I love getting them and looking at all the families and kids changing so much from year to year. It makes my day when I get the mail...I think I had 6 picture ones in the mail yesterday and Nick was teasing me b/c I was so excited! haha.

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