Friday, December 16, 2011

A bunch of random things--and me complaining.

1) I can't believe we are only 9 days from Christmas and 11 days from leaving for Florida. I have a new temporary mantra (as of about five ago). That is "take it day by day". Honestly, it's not working out so well. I'm just trying to get through one day at a time b/c I'm SO busy. I am NOT ready for Christmas. I have not even thought about Florida. We are celebrating Christmas with some of my in-laws on Saturday (yeah, tomorrow), and I'm not prepared. I haven't even thought about dinner, cleaning, etc. So, I guess I'll be taking it day by day and dealing with it tomorrow. Please pray for me and that 2012 slows down for me b/c going at this pace is not good for me and my health. Our whole office at home is a disaster with bags of gifts, boxes, and more...not even wrapped. Ahhhhh....Nick is the worst wrapper ever (well is a good rapper when it comes to Ice Ice Baby), so he's no help. I usually just wrap my own presents to myself b/c he's so pathetic.

2) I'm tired. Hunter is supposed to have his first official sleepover at Aunt Emily's tonight. He has been excited for two weeks about it and then last night at bedtime, he was crying saying he didn't want to go. I told him he didn't have to stay the night, but she would be picking him up at 4pm to go hang out. If he wanted to stay, he could. If he wants to come home, he can. I thought we were good. Then at 10:45pm, he woke up hysterical. You know how you have thoughts before bed and then dream about it? I think that is what happened. He was so upset! He said he'd had a bad dream and really wanted me to sleep with him. We don't do the whole co-sleeping thing--never have--b/c of my bad back and I'm a light sleeper...and I just am very selfish when it comes to getting my sleep. I laid with him for 10 minutes, went back to bed, and 10 minutes later here we go again. I sent Nick in there, but he wanted mommy. So I ended up in his bed from 10:45-3:30am. I fell asleep and woke up not knowing if it had been one hour, 4 hours, or was 6am. I snuck out of bed and could not fall back asleep for a while once I was in my own bed. My mind gets going a million miles a minute and I can't get back to sleep. I just woke up so tired this morning!

3) We have had a BUSY week. I know I'm complaining, but Monday night I took my grandma home from the hospital. I left work early and didn't get home until 8:15pm. Jack and I went and had fun, but it was a long day. Tuesday I had about nine moms at my house for a meeting. Just the cleaning, prep, etc. that goes into hosting is WORK. Nick was not about helping and I felt guilty enough kicking him out with the boys, so I pretty much was on my own there. Wednesday Nick had his work party and I was on my own with the boys (see below about that night). His mom stayed the night too. Thursday morning I had my mom's group meeting and had about 10 things to bring with me...just a lot of thought that goes into it all. Then I had a sitter yesterday afternoon so I could get Christmas shopping done...I got a lot accomplished so I feel good about that. Last night was good--we were home together with not much to do. Today is our nanny's birthday, so I had to get her gifts problem, but just one more thing to do. Tonight, I'm hoping and praying Hunter will stay at Aunt Emily's. Nick, Jack, and I are going to Flattop Grill for dinner b/c we have a groupon that expires in five days. It's like Mongolian BBQ basically. Tomorrow Hunter has soccer and then Gammy Dori and Big D are coming at 4pm...I am not even going to stress myself out by thinking about getting presents and dinner ready right now.

4) Wednesday night when I was on my own with the kids we got off to a rough start. I just love it when I walk in the door and can see by the look on Julie's face that it's going to be a long night. Within five minutes of her leaving Hunter peed his pants--on purpose. I asked why and he said "for fun". Thanks kid. So we had to do fun stuff to keep them out of trouble. We made eggs for dinner b/c Hunter LOVES to crack eggs now that he can do it. We made a gingerbread house although the kids tried to eat as much candy as they could from it. Then we drove down our street to give friends their Christmas cards. I let Hunter sit in the front seat and get in and out to put them in the mailboxes. He was so cute--I was telling him how "special" it was b/c normally he must be in his carseat. He was putting his seatbelt on and taking his job so seriously. He was putting the seatbelt on between two mailboxes of houses right next to each other. (don't call CPS on me) See below. He was very proud of himself for delivering the cards! The interesting thing is that the moment I put Jack to bed and he has me to himself, he turns into a perfect angel and we had a great 30 minutes together before he went to bed. I wish he could be like that all the time.


5) The end of the Christmas shopping is in sight. I have to buy for around 25-28 people. Is that normal??? It's mostly family, but some good family friends, babysitters, etc. I have a three page spreadsheet. I have columns with the budget for each person, ideas, what I've purchased, and if I'm done with that particular person. I do it ALL on my own. I have gone over budget (like way over), but I love thinking of fun ideas and giving people things that I think they will like. I just get a little out of control. Thankfully Nick has no room to complain b/c since I do it all, he keeps quiet. Well, he hasn't seen the credit card balance yet, so I shouldn't speak too soon. I think it's fun though--to give to others and make Nick mad. Just kidding!!! My family is so generous to us, so I enjoy doing the same for them :)

6) Hunter and Jack have been cracking me up lately. Wednesday night I was on my own and since I can't leave them alone for one minute or someone will get hurt, so I made them come up into my room so I could change out of my work clothes. They were playing in the bathroom and I was in the closet changing. Pretty soon I hear the tub water go on and Hunter is turning on the jets...I go running in my bra and underwear. Hunter looks up and says "Mommy, will you show me your boobs?" Why he would say that I will never know. I had to turn around to keep from laughing. I was like "Hunter, no. That is not appropriate for you to say that!" It did lighten my mood a little b/c the random stuff he says is just so hilarious. Even though that was a little weird. Just saying!

7) All complaining aside, I really need to step back and remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season. I have the sign in my hard b/c we do get caught up in all the stuff I just mentioned above around the holidays and that's not what it's about...even though for most of us moms it ends up playing a big part. I keep talking to Hunter about it being Jesus's birthday b/c he is so into Santa and how many days till he gets presents and I don't want him to be thinking only about that.

Have a great weekend and looking forward to being in warm sunny FL in 11 days!!!!!!! YAY!!!

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