Friday, December 3, 2010

The wheels are turning

I have laughed in my head (and out loud) about this conversation with Hunter many times in the last week, so I had to share.
Last Saturday we were in the bathroom together...he had gone potty and was washing his hands, while I was going. (If you have young kids, you know it's a luxury to get to go to the bathroom by yourself.) haha. is how the conversation went.

Hunter: I have a wee-wee. So do you.
Me: No, I do not have a wee-wee.
Hunter (pausing to think): Well, then your pee-pee comes out of your butt!
Me, laughing: No, it does not come out of my butt.
Hunter: Then it comes out of your wee-wee.
Me: (pausing to think how I should handle this and what words to use)...Mommy's have mommy parts. Boys have wee-wee's.
Hunter: Daddy, Jack, Chopper and Hunter have wee-wee's.
Me: Yes, that is right. I have a mommy part.

I just thought it was so funny b/c after I said I don't have a wee-wee, you could just see the wheels turning as he was thinking about how it would all work. I think he's becoming aware of some stuff b/c he also pointed the other day while I was getting him dressed for school and said, "You have big boobs. I just have ninnies". I have to basically turn away from him and laugh silently before I can bring myself to respond.

Have a good weekend!

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