Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jack 13 month update

Our sweet baby turned one on November 9th, so I'm a little late on the 13th month post.
Here is what's going on:
  • We have tons of nicknames for him. Jack, Jax, Baby Jack, Jackaroo (our nanny calls him this and now we do too), Jaxonian, Jackeronian, Jaxter. We sit at dinner and randomly make up new names for him with Hunter which is entertaining. Yeah, we are weird.
  • Jack loves to climb the steps. He would fall and break his neck if someone weren't there with him, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon. He's fast!
  • He also loves to make a mad dash for Chopper's water bowl. He'll slam his hands down into the water...not cool b/c then we have to change clothes.
  • He HATES having his diaper changed and getting dressed. He flips over, kicks, screams, cries, etc. It's the worst thing ever. I'm sure me zipping his skin the other day didn't help matters.
  • Jack loves his big brother. He laughs at him, wants to follow him around, and know what he's up to. Hunter is not always so nice to him, but Jack is obviously forgiving (and forgetful). Hunter will hug and squeeze him where he's close to cutting off circulation. Jack will arch his back and scream like crazy.
  • He is crawling super fast and walking along the edge of things, but not on his own yet. I bet he will do this when I'm in the hospital for my back surgery so I'll miss it and then not be able to chase him for a while, making it hard for everyone.
  • Jack is sleeping really well. We put him down around 7:45-8:00pm. He wakes up anytime between about 6:30-7:30am. Last week he was sleeping till 7:15am or so for several days in a row and it was AWESOME. However, this morning it was 6:30am. Jack will wake up and hang out in his crib for quite a while. We'll usually let him be for at least 20 minutes. If he's poopy or bored, he might start whining after a while, but I'm SO HAPPY he's not one of those kids who wakes up and cries immediately. I'm blessed that both kids were good about hanging out in bed till we come get them.
  • Hmmm...what else....he learned he can feed the dog, loves people food, and is just a joy to have around. I carry and hold him too much. I don't care what anyone says though b/c I won't be able to for 6 weeks very soon, so I'm going to while I can!
  • Jack loves blueberries more than anything, but also likes pb&j, eggs, any bread, and strawberries. He also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

That's all I can think of for now! Here are some pictures from his 1st birthday party...

I just love his picture of his Gigi kissing him! (his great grandma). She loves Hunter and Jack so much and we are so lucky to have her around and close by!!

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