Monday, December 13, 2010

New discoveries

Jack has pretty much decided he doesn't care for baby food anymore. Hunter did the same thing right around age 1. So, we've been giving him all sorts of new things. He only has 4 teeth, so we have to be careful, but he LOVES eggs and most other "people" foods. Jack has also realized he can hand food to Chopper and he thinks this is hysterical. He will hold it over the edge of his high chair, let Chopper take it from his hand, and laugh like crazy. It's so darn cute!

I just realized I didn't do a "13 month" post, so I'll have to try to get to that this week! Jack also has discovered the stairs. He makes a mad dash for them every chance he gets. We have three staircases going upstairs, so it's a major pain. The two in the front are not so bad, but the ones off the family room area are easily in sight...He also loves the dog's water bowl. Hunter did the same thing and we used to put it in the bathroom b/c it was so annoying.

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