Monday, June 14, 2010

Visit from "Richie"

Nick's high school friend, Rich, came over on Sunday afternoon to visit. He lives in Naples, FL, but is in town visiting some family. Hunter called him "richie" the whole time...they've met a few times before and Hunter was very excited to see him (so excited he wouldn't take a nap) and was crying in bed saying "Daddy's friend come over...". Anyway, we hung out on the deck, grilled burgers for dinner, and made smores. Hunter had a really good time hanging out with him.

The boys hanging out at the fire pit.
Nick had to have this fire pit. We don't use it nearly enough...I don't like that we all have to take baths after hanging out out there b/c of the smokey smell.

Hunter ate a few too many marshmellows.
I had to cut him off to prevent a tummy ache.

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