Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Parade with Gigi

Our family went to the Memorial Day Parade in Dexter on Monday morning. We invited Gigi to come along with us. She loves any opportunity to see the kids (hey, forget about her favorite granddaughter now that the boys are here...haha. Emily, don't get mad).

We found a good spot at the beginning of the parade in the shade to set up our chairs.

Gigi reminded us that it was one year ago that she had her heart attack. We are so happy she's still here with us and is doing well. I love these pictures of her smiling. She was so happy to be holding Jack and sitting by Hunter. It is so fun to see :)

Nick was happy not to have to do anything!

I had to laugh at one point b/c Jack was getting a little fussy b/c it was nap time. Gigi said to Jack, "Stop being fussy or they'll take you away from me!" She can't walk around with him and sometimes he gets in a mood where he wants you to get up. See below.

Yep, we had to pick him up and this was him two minutes after Nick picked him up! He slept through half the parade...even with the old cars/loud engines going by.

Hunter loves the horses

This is our church float advertising for the upcoming festival. Father Brendan was running around passing out candy.

Hunter also loves the fire trucks. He got lots of candy too...we had to eat most of it ourselves b/c it was stuff he could choke on, but he had a sucker and some starburst. Hunter got out of his chair to run and collect the candy. I told Nick to do it, but he had a complex about it--something about fighting with the 5 year olds for candy, so Hunter had to do it himself.

Hunter and his great-grandmother, Gigi.
We had a really nice time at the parade and were so glad Gigi came with us!

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