Friday, April 27, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

1) My three boys (and the dog). We usually watch Curious George for "wind down time" before bed. The kids have their "dessert" which consists of yogurt (we freeze it) and apple slices. I love how they sit in their little chairs! 

2) Are these not the two cutest kids you've ever seen strolling the aisles of Costco? I like how Jack to look up to keep my sunglasses on his face. Nick and the kids were all dressed alike and I was the black sheep. 

3) We made BLT's for dinner the other night. Hunter would not eat his, so he just wanted to eat lettuce plain (yuck if you ask me, but I didn't tell him that!). He also ate some bacon. Then I finally convinced him to take a bite of mine, after Nick had finished eating his, and he said, "Oh, I love it. I want that in my lunch every day." We can't win! 

4) We were out playing by the playscape the other day and we caught this frog. We were actually pulling weeds behind the playscape when I heard him. We played with him, touched him, watched him hop around, etc. Hunter was very sad to let him go back into the woods. In his exact words, "Mommy, I miss my frog friend. I wanted to sleep with him every night." I actually felt sorry for him. 

5) Nick ordered a basketball hoop from Amazon the other day. It's unfortunate that my parents bought us a nice once that goes into the ground and we sold the house the next year. I am SO proud of Hunter and by the picture below you can see he is proud of himself too. He is really good at making baskets and dribbling the ball. Jack is pretty mad he can't reach this and even more mad that I'm not tall enough to help lift him up! 

6) I found these mugs you can decorate for $1 for a Mother's Day gift idea. I brought it out yesterday while we had a babysitter over and Jack was sleeping. I think she convinced him that I might like a red much instead of an all black mug. Thanks Hannah!!

7) No picture to go with this, but yesterday when Hunter came out of the bathroom he said, "Mama, I had SO MUCH pee pee to get out of my wee wee. It was almost a flood in the bathroom b/c I had so much pee pee!" I was cracking up. 

Have a good weekend!!! 

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