Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Poor Baby

Jack has not been himself for several days now. Just fussy, not sleeping as well as usual, not eating much, etc. He's had a runny nose, so I just thought he caught something from Hunter who has had a cough and raspy voice for a while. We have a hard time dealing with Jack when he's like this b/c we're not used to it...normally he's a very easy child compared to my other child. Julie, our nanny, said Jack had a very rough day on Tuesday. When I got home from work, Jack was just beside himself and I decided to take him to the dr before the long holiday weekend. We went to the walk-in clinic and turns out he had a fever of 101 and an ear infection. I felt so badly b/c he really didn't feel like he had a fever and I just wish I would have taken him in sooner. They gave him some motrin right there in the office to help with the fever and the yummy pink medicine for his ear infection. We got going on the meds last night and he was better today. Still not back to his normal self, but better. I hate to see my poor baby like this and I'm glad he's on the mend. I am praying for a good night sleep tonight. We've had a rough week or so with him sleeping in general, so I need to catch up :)

Sunday we went to Hudson Mills for this Easter event...we went with Connie, Heather, Tyler, Blake, and another family of 5 who live down the street. Jack was pretty fussy and when it came time to leave he had a complete meltdown in the parking lot. It was a disaster! Above is Jack on the way sad!
Here is Jack at the doctor's office last night. He got a huge popsicle and he still looked so pathetic. The nurses and doctor all loved him. They said they'd never seen a child be so good when they had to get the wax out of his ears. They had to flush it out so they could see if he had an ear infection.

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