Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lots of random pictures...

Here are lots of random pics (mostly from my phone) I've wanted to put up and so I'm just cramming them into one post :)

Jack LOVES broccoli and it makes me happy. Of course he has to dip it in veggie dip, but what do you expect from a two year old? I don't even like it with dip, so he's doing better than me! I would have to remind him to bite and eat the veggies instead of just licking the dip off and going back for more. 

 Vacuuming at Nana's a few weeks ago. This could keep him entertained for hours. 
 I know it's not safe, so don't call CPS on me, but every chance the kids get they like to get in the washer/dryer, press buttons, and just drive me nuts. The companies that design these really need to do a better job when it comes to what kids can do with them. For example, the washer has a child lock feature and I use it, but they can still press the on/off button and if they push it when I'm in the middle of a load, still on child lock, it will shut off and I have to start the load all over. So annoying. There should also be a way to keep the doors shut and locked when you are not using them so the kids can't get in there when I turn my back for one second. This is usually when we get ready to leave, so I'm packing up, they are hanging out by the back door (next to laundry room), and we are trying to get out the door. 
 I have to laugh at the one above where they are both in them and Chopper is wondering what the heck they are doing.  
 The other night Hunter came out, practically in tears, saying he needed to sleep with his new hat. When I went up there later to shut his door before going to bed, this is how I found him. He didn't wake up when I snapped his picture, but I was willing to take the chance. 
 These kids are ruining my house. The picture on the left above is from just a couple of days ago. Jack was practicing sitting on the potty and I told Hunter to go get some toilet paper from the basket next to the toilet. Both kids ran in the bathroom and I found this later. It had been ripped right out of the wall. Not cool. I don't even know who the culprit is. Hunter actually tells me it's the nanny every time I ask him--lol. The picture on the right above is by our back door. The door stop came loose and Jack pulled it out of the wall. So every time the back door swings open it bangs into the wall. The joy of living with boys. I am hoping when my parents stay here in a few weeks for the weekend my dad will be our repair man. Hint hint. 

Jack loves to throw things when he's in the high chair, or just in general I should say. Normally it's just a cup or puzzle pieces if he's playing. Friday morning he threw his full bowl of cheerios on the ground. Milk, cheerios, spoon, and bowl went flying. I was not happy...the only good thing is that the dog basically cleaned it all up for me :) He is in his terrible two phase full swing! 

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