Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mommy's helper...and tantrums

I have a lot to catch up on, but I've been so busy. I think I say that every time I go to do a post these days. I want to keep this blog up to date, but it's hard right now. Work is crazy all the time and by the time the kiddos are in bed, I just want to clean up and hang out a little before going to bed! Or like tonight, I won't get home until 10:30pm and then I just go straight to bed. Anyway, Jack INSISTED on vacuuming the other day. Nick and Hunter were at Costco and I was cleaning up for our Easter dinner guests, so I pulled out the vacuum after Jack woke up from his nap. He wanted to do it all and would not let me help. Finally I convinced him to get his child vacuum so I could finish up. See pictures below. He is a determined little guy these days and knows what he wants. Speaking of, the kid throws tantrums. It's so annoying. Hunter never threw tantrums and Jack just does it all the time when he doesn't get his way. At first I thought it was funny, but now I get annoyed and have to walk away from him. I actually got him on video the other night when he refused to get in his car seat...I'll post it tomorrow b/c it's funny. I actually couldn't video the best part which was me wrestling him in the seat and strapping him in while he screamed bloody murder...I got the part after where he's still screaming before I turned on Elmo to calm him down. Too funny. I hope CPS doesn't show up on my doorstep b/c there were lots of people in the parking lot staring at me!!!

He's darn sweet when he's helping and NOT throwing a tantrum! Don't you love the two kid chairs in the middle of the room? They come and go b/c they fight a lot over who sits in which one.

Jack takes his job very seriously.

Have a good day!!!

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