Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Busy...

I have been SO busy it's not even funny. Between work, kids, Hunter's upcoming birthday, making Labor Day plans, meetings, doctor appts, etc. there are just not enough hours in the day. I barely have time to email friends back, call anyone, or do anything besides keep my head above water. I haven't gone this long w/o blogging in a while, but I literally have no time to do anything "extra". It's for sure getting to me. My back hasn't been this bad in a while--and going to the chiropractor and a massage therapist once per week is not helping (yet), and in addition, it causes me a great deal of stress being out of the office so much! Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I'm feeling so hopeless lately. I have been trying to do a lot of soul searching trying to figure out how to balance it all these days. I commit to a lot--leadership committee for mom's group, newsletter for women's business group, church finance council, etc...all on top of working and raising two crazy boys. What am I thinking! Starting in September I will have stuff three Tuesday nights in a row between the meetings mentioned above--I am crazy.
At least I have these cute pictures to look at!

I don't know why, but I think this pose is so stinkin' cute!

I saw this tee-shirt at Target and had to get it..."To Do List: Be Awesome like Mom!" haha. I guess you have to be a confident mom to take your kid out in public wearing this. I did get a lot of attention when he wore it out...$4.50 at Target--can't beat that! I actually don't think I'm that awesome of a mom, but the tee-shirt just makes me laugh so I had to get it. Silly guy...awesome like mom does not involve putting buckets on your head.
Jack pretty much insists on feeding himself everything these days. We have to strip down to a diaper b/c it is MESSY. Here he is with his yogurt...I cringe watching the mess, but laugh and pull out the camera anyway :)

He's silly and he knows it.
He's so proud of himself!

I seriously can't believe he will be two in a few months. It is starting to scare me how fast they are growing up. Only a few more weeks till Hunter turns 4 and I have yet to plan one single thing for the two birthday parties I'm planning to have....yikes. That might have to change.

1 comment:

Britta said...

I feel like I haven't commented in forever, but I have to say, Jack and Hunter are ADORABLE little boys. And you look FANTASTIC!

I really can't believe all that you do. Even before kids, I thought you were awesome for all of the things you did. Now it's even more amazing! I think it's awesome what a great mom you are and a great role model for them! I hope you find some time to yourself and some relief from the back pain, though. I can't imagine the stress!!