Monday, August 15, 2011

Seven (mostly wonderful) years...

Yesterday Nick and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary. I have to say it was a pathetic day, but oh well, I'm over it. We were in Baltimore all weekend for a wedding and flew home yesterday. We were both tired and worn out (ok, and hungover) from the weekend. At one point, I said, "Ok, I am crabby b/c my back hurts, I'm tired, and don't feel good. You are tired, hungover and complaining about every little thing. Your complaining and my crabbiness is making for a BAD day. Lets both stop and TRY to be nice to each other for the rest of the day b/c it's our anniversary". Sad huh? At the hotel this weekend I did order room service for myself (which is unlike me), but I figured it's my anniversary weekend, I'm going to splurge. A $27 breakfast all to myself yesterday. Our friends spent about $70 so I promise I didn't even get that much food! Nick chose to starve b/c he didn't want to pay. haha. I gave him a few bites only b/c it was our anniversary :) The day before I also ordered room service and didn't feel like sharing much, so he walked five blocks to McDonalds to get food. You'd think we live in poverty, but he is CHEAP. He refused to order anything for himself and I said I was hungry and not sharing. That $8 bagel and $12 yogurt with fruit was well worth it as far as I was concerned. Then I tipped the guy 20% (I wasn't sure what you do with room service since I never order it!!) and later read in the fine print that they charge 15% tip and $4 service fee--oops. Last night for dinner we splurged on some KFC b/c we were too lazy to cook anything at home. Nick and Hunter went to pick it up while I vacuumed, swept, and did laundry with Jack. That is almost embarrassing to admit. We were in bed at 9:30pm. Two nights in a row of staying out late and drinking took it's toll on us--my goodness, we must be getting old! On a happier note, we have a sitter for this coming Saturday night, so we're going out and I'm going to just consider that our anniversary celebration! I am looking forward to it :) We also usually go to a bed and breakfast for our anniversary weekend, even since having kids, and we are doing that in October (b/c we had this wedding instead), so that will be lots of fun.

Anyway, we are in a stressful period of life with an almost two and almost four year old. Hunter and Jack are exhausting, but we love them so much and are so blessed to have two handsome and healthy kids. I can't imagine my life with anyone else but Nick. He is so HOT, successful, laid back, and just a great daddy/husband. We started dating in May of 1999 and married August 14th, 2004. I just can't believe we've been together this long. We were so young and practically stress-free college students and now we live in our dream house, have our careers, have two kids, a dog, lots of responsibilities, etc. EVERYTHING has changed and there is no one I'd rather have gone through all this with than him. He is the best. I should probably tell him that more often.

We have been through a lot...From losing grandparents to my back problems to family stress to having babies when neither of us had ever changed a diaper prior to changing Hunter's. We have had some really fun times--going on vacations before kids, just hanging out, being best friends. Now our idea of fun is a little different with little kids, but oh well. We've had some rough times with my back problems, work stress, and just plain bickering with each other, but it's never been that bad where we've ever doubted our love for each other. I know Nick will continue to grow and be a great role model for our kids. He will help to teach them to give/volunteer, cook, be responsible, work hard, be kind to others, put family first, and more. I will have to depend on my dad to teach them how to plunge a toilet and do any handy-man related stuff.

Nick, I love you (more than all the fishies in the sea). I also appreciate you A LOT and I don't tell you that enough. You cook, change diapers, and really are the best husband and friend. Of course you aren't perfect and I pick at some of your annoying habits, but when I step back and think about it, I know I have it good. You put me and the kids first, and that is a great quality and something I treasure and love about you. You choose us over work. You choose us over everything else and even though it's craziness almost all of the time right now, you still come home (haha). I know we need to work on putting forth more effort to show appreciation towards each other and all of that mushy stuff, but deep down, I know we love each other and I can't wait to spend the next 70 (or more) years with YOU!!!!!

Sorry this is a day late too. That's been the story of my life lately.

Here are a few pictures of us :)

From this past Saturday--wedding in Baltimore. I had a hot date. Some other lady thought so too as she was flirting with him right in front of me. Grrrr....I was not happy.

Houseboat trip with my family in the summer of 2003. Nick says this houseboat trip is his absolute most fun vacation that he's ever been on. I can't wait till our kids are older and we can do this again. It really is the best vacation idea!

Our engagement weekend--on Mackinac Island. I was so excited that we were FINALLY engaged!!!

Our wedding day!


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