Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hunter at Vacation Bible School

All last week Hunter went to Vacation Bible School at our church. Monday through Friday from 9am till noon. I thought it was a great break for him to do something new, Julie to spend time with Jack alone, and of course for him to learn about Jesus! It went better than I could have ever imagined. Hunter LOVED going and looked forward to it every morning. They did tons of fun things from crafts to singing to hearing stories about God (and yummy snacks--hmmm...ice cream at 9am on Friday morning!?!?). He looked forward to going and for $15 for the whole week, you can't beat that. Thanks to all the volunteers. I even did my part to help volunteer...last Friday I helped the kids make these cute picture frames. I really enjoyed helping the pre-schoolers to the 5th graders. It's interesting to see the kids interact and how a 3rd grade girl can have a fit over not having the right color popsicle stick to make her picture frame. Hunter was really happy that I was there to help and then I got to see their recital at the end. I don't have a picture of his frame that he made (it's him with his whole pre-school class), but here are a few of the things he did last week. We got this cd on the last day--PandaMania (God is wild about you!). I have purchased many kids cd's in the past and this one is AWESOME. Even Nick likes the beat to almost all the songs. I would highly recommend it. Talk about melting.my.heart. Hunter loves to sing the songs. There are two that we love to sing together...."God is wild. God is wild. God is wild about us!!!" and "Hallelujah, Hallelujah. God reigns over us..."I just sit and stare at him in the car while we sing these songs together. It truly makes me so happy to see him sing and love songs about God too. They taught them these hand motions to go with it and it's just the sweetest thing on Earth. I took a video, but since I'm singing too, I will not be posting it. haha. The only problem is that Jack likes to watch Elmo in the car and now Hunter and I want to listen to this, so Jack gets pretty upset. I want to get out of the habit of watching Elmo's Potty Time every single time we're in the car together anyway. Jack points at the tv in the car and whine until you turn it on. The worst part is we all have to listen to it! Hunter is up on stage...second from the left. He is holding himself and one minute later ran down to tell me he had to go potty. This is the "old" church--we were married here and Hunter baptized here, but now we actually go to church at the "new" church.
They made tie dye tee-shirts the first day and then all the kids wore them on the last day for their singing recital.

Painted rocks...there is a story about Jesus behind all of these crafts, but I can't recall this one.

Big smiles before heading into class!

I am just so proud of my little guy. Most of the pre-schoolers were four and five year olds, but since he is already in pre-school at church they said he was fine to attend. I am so glad he enjoyed it, learned, likes to sing the songs, and is just growing up and becoming more independent. I feel like we've had a good week together since we got back from the wedding, so please pray it continues and we are turning a corner with his behavior.

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