Monday, August 8, 2011

My new little fisherman!

We went to the Couchman's yesterday for Tyler's 1st birthday party. We had a lot of fun--Hunter went fishing, tubing, etc. There were a lot of people there and Tyler got a lot of new fun presents!

Last Thursday I went and let Hunter pick out a kids fishing pole (Cars one). Yesterday Joey said he would help Hunter off the end of the dock. They went and dug up some worms, baited the hook, put the bobber on, and were ready to roll.

I appreciate Joey taking the time on his son's birthday to help Hunter...that was so sweet and Joey is the best fisherman I know, so who better to help Hunter learn. Plus, this is good practice for Joey b/c Tyler will be learning to fish in a few short years :) They caught a fish within the first five minutes and everyone was so excited for Hunter.

He carried it up on the hook to show us all and we all clapped and took pictures--haha.

It was a little blue gill...I love how Hunter is so proud of himself.
Once he showed it off, we told him we needed to release him before he died from being out of the water for so long. He said, "I want to eat him for dinner!!" and we all got a laugh from that.

Lots more pictures from yesterday to come! I hope you had a nice weekend :)
We are going to Baltimore this weekend for a wedding and I can't wait. My parents are watching the kids, so Nick and I will have some time away with college friends. I told Nick it's pretty pathetic that I'm excited about just sitting at the airport and being on the plane so I can read a few books on the ipad. Our 7th anniversary is Sunday the 14th and we'll be traveling home that day, so I hope we can do something to celebrate the following weekend.

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