Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Week in Pictures (from my cell phone)

Here are a few cute/funny pictures that I took on my phone this week :)

I took both boys to Target to get some new life jackets, sunscreen, etc the other day. Hunter insisted on wearing his Robin cape and Batman mask (which he has been obsessed with at home lately--he and Jack "fly" around the house in their capes on a daily basis). I decided to let him wear it b/c he wanted to show his friend "Miss Debbie" who works at Target his outfit. We have gotten to know her b/c we are there so much and it's about the only way I can get Hunter to go with me as he loves to see her--she gives him hugs and stickers. Anyway, they were both so good we got a slushy thing on the way out :) We did get lots of stares, laughs, and compliments as we walked the aisles. Normally I would be embarrassed and make him take it off, but decided to just go with it and laugh about it!
I love that he's not worried about what people think (yet)...I was like people might think you are strange b/c it's not Halloween, but he didn't care!
Our nanny, Julie, took this picture the other day of cute!! He looks so sweet :)

Eating lunch on the deck...a combination of peanut butter, watermelon, and popsicle on his chin!

We had to get Hunter measured for Mark and Brandie's wedding...he's going to be a ring bearer and one handsome guy if I do say so myself! He was a pretty good sport about it, but Jack pooped in the store and I had left the diaper bag in the car, so it was a little chaotic.

The guy was measuring Hunter all over and I just like the expression on Hunter's "what are you doing dude?"

We went to Heritage Park the other day and Hunter met a friend. They played really well together and were burying each other in bark in their "hiding spot". I just love it when he's sweet to other kids and plays so well with them...just wish it were like that at home and all the time!

Eating strawberries at dinner...Hunter says, "Mommy, I can eat a billion strawberries...and fit them all in my mouth!"

Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!!

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