Friday, July 8, 2011

July 4th Weekend Pictures Part 3

On Monday, July 4th, we went to a parade in downtown Northville. Nick heard they were going to have a flash mob thing so he wanted to go to this parade instead of the Ann Arbor one, which we've gone to the past few years. The flash mob was ok, not too impressive. We walked around for a bit, watched the dance, and then found our seats for the parade. We sat next to a family with 8 and 9 year old boys, so Hunter had fun playing with them. They were super nice and were sharing their candy with Hunter since they were much faster than Hunter at grabbing it. We were near the end of the parade, so we didn't get much candy :( Jack was content with a sucker in his mouth--he would take so long to eat it that the stick would get super soggy and gross.

I bought the kids matching shorts and tee-shirts for the 4th of July. I just LOVE dressing them up in matching outfits. I plan to do this until they flat out refuse.

Jack was not interested in sitting next to Hunter. When I tell Hunter to put his arm around Jack he practically chokes him.

At the Northville parade...

This was my favorite float...they were real people in the uniforms.

Hunter loved seeing Batman :)

Lots of old cars...

We stood up to applaud the men who serve our country. I often think about the sacrifices they make, along with their families. It would be so hard to be the wife of a military man. I have a client who lost her son back in the fall over in Afghanistan and another client who has a 19 year old son there now. My heart breaks for these moms as I could not imagine losing my son at age 19 or 20.

All kids love the fire trucks!

We walked around this fountain before the parade...Jack was trying to keep up with Hunter.

Action shot! I was waiting for him to fall in :)

Trying to get a picture with our two boys...unsuccessful. The family next to us were super nice. Hunter and the 8 year old were playing tag and wrestling.

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