Friday, July 15, 2011

Mommy, You are my best friend

Yesterday Hunter came down from his nap and put his arm around me on the couch. He said, "mommy, you are my best friend." It was so.stinkin.cute. We were just hanging out and being silly while we waited for Jack to wake up :)

I love on the iphone how you can press a button and take pictures from the other direction and actually see what you are doing...if that makes sense. It's way better than holding the phone out and guessing to see if you are aiming properly.

Some times this boy can be so cute and funny. Other times, not so much. I just love when we have fun times together acting silly...

Oh, and this morning I asked him if I was still his best friend and he said, no, daddy was. And then it was Grandpa. Well, that was short lived!

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