Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random cuteness from my boys

I live with four boys. A husband, two kids, and the dog. I need a girl--ha! We went to the mall on Sunday just to get out of the house. We didn't want to leave the dog alone since he came home Saturday morning and was still not doing that great, but we were a little stir crazy, so we just went out for a bit. Here are my boys drinking their smoothies. No one wanted to sit with me--not even mama's boy Jack :( 
They are a handsome bunch if I do say so myself! 
 Chopper came with me to work Monday and Tuesday. This is crazy, but Monday when he came in he went and sat next to my cousin, Connie who works here. She said "he can be my guard dog". I said that was a good idea in case this creepy client Mr. Smith (not his real name of course) comes in. He's 64 and asked her out--she's under 30. Yuck. She comes and hangs out hiding from him any time he comes in! I said Chopper could attack him. CRAZY PART? That client actually came in the next day!!! I could not believe it--we were not expecting him and it was a huge coincidence b/c it's not like he comes in often or anything. AND Chopper did NOT like him. He barked and growled at him. Dogs have a sense about things and I could tell Chopper did not like this guy...I knew he was weird and my dog confirmed it. I think I'm also psychic. 
 Halloween costume preview...our handsome little astronaut!!! I know I am biased, but Jack gets cuter by the day. He has this new cheesy smile he does every time I have the camera. Nick has pictures at the same age looking the same why--huge smile and eyes squinting. 
 We went out to dinner to celebrate my mom's bday last Friday night and everyone came back to our house after to play cards. Jack giving Gigi kisses before I took him up to bed. 
 I randomly pulled out the camera last weekend to take some pics of Jack. He's riding this thing around the house with no pants on b/c we are trying hard to work on using the potty. The kid is just not motivated to use the potty, but he only wears underwear at "school", so we were working more on it this weekend. 
 Seriously, if his face were not so dirty, he would be the cutest ever! I just love his smile, teeth, chubby cheeks, etc. I love this kid!!! 

 The super cheese...
 Smiling so big he can't keep his eyes open :)
Silly guy--I just love him so much and can't get enough of him. He's the sweetest...and knock on wood, but he's almost three with no case of the terrible two's! The worst thing he does is calls Hunter a "baby" and you'd think it was a swear word. He yells it at him like it's so mean...and it does make Hunter mad. Other than that, he's just the sweetest unless he's listening to his brother and doing things he shouldn't...but he's just trying to be like his older brother. 

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