Friday, October 12, 2012

Our week

Wow...TGIF. It's been a long busy week. The dog has made me emotionally exhausted. Yes, he's still there at the hospital. He MIGHT be able to come home tomorrow. He won't be able to be alone for a while, so that will change our plans. I've already come up with a plan to bring him to work next week if I need to. I can set up his crate and then be able to let him out all the time and keep an eye on him. We won't be able to leave him alone much for a little bit. I told Hunter we can no longer go on a Disney Cruise b/c of this incident. I don't even know the total, but I'm predicting over $5,000. That dog better live for a few more years after all this! Plus with our nanny, Julie, being off all week it just threw me off. My mom's bday was yesterday...I am a mean daughter b/c she worked at my house from 9-3pm on my basement. She is the type who works on a project and wants to finish it. I did not want her there working, but she insisted (and I wasn't going to stop her). She did an awesome job on my basement--it's perfect. And this is embarrassing, but it was a MESS. I have turned a blind eye for 3 years since we moved in. I don't think the steps going down there have ever been vacuumed. I just couldn't get over the size of the project. I think she spend 4 almost full days down there organizing, cleaning, sorting, setting up stuff, etc. She is awesome for this. I was nice to her for her bday this year b/c I was going to pay an organizer to help me for $60 per hour and now I don't have to!
Anyway, my mother-in-law also came yesterday to help us with the kids. I was supposed to take Hunter to a fundraiser for my mom's group after school and Jack had speech therapy, but Hunter was naughty at school and I didn't take him. The teachers knew he had to get a good report to go and they made a point to tell me at pick-up how naughty he was, so I couldn't take him and then have him go in the next day to tell his teachers that we went anyway. It just stinks b/c I needed to go, but had to make a point to my child (and save face with his teachers). Tonight we are going to a fun Japanese restaurant (where they throw food in your mouth as Hunter puts it) to celebrate my mom's birthday, so looking forward to that...
Have a good weekend. We will be hanging out with our dog hopefully at home!!

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