Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dog Update

Well, yesterday after I posted, I thought Chopper was doing better. Nick went to the vet at noon and they had done more blood work and said his kidneys were improving. Nick even took him outside and said he was acting more like himself....but peeing every ten feet b/c they had given him so much fluid through an iv.
The vet just called this morning and said they are very concerned that he is not eating. They are talking about putting in a feeding tube. Then the vet said she wanted to run an estimate and call us back b/c we are racking up a pretty big bill. I told Nick to not even bother finding out b/c who really cares at this point. Honestly, it's not like we'd say, "ok well we already spend $3,000, so we're not spending more, just put him down". I just figure we're all in at this point b/c we just want our doggie to make it and come home!! Nick agrees, so I'm happy about that!! I guess we won't be finishing our basement--haha...just kidding. Nick is all in this "pay things off" mode, so I'm sure this is throwing a wrench into his plan right now, but oh well :)
Please pray...I was feeling good yesterday afternoon about things, but now not so much. I hate the thought of a feeding tube, but they said it's just getting to be way too long since he's eaten. They have been trying to entice him with yummy wet food and he's not going for it.

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