Friday, May 27, 2011

Haircuts, sucker, and school update

Yesterday evening I took both boys to get haircuts. I think they both look so handsome (thanks Dayna!) Hunter really needed one and Jack could have held out another week or so, but I'd rather take them both at the same time and be on the same schedule. They give out suckers at the salon, so Jack had his first one (only b/c he really noticed Hunter getting one and was very upset). I ended up taking it away half way through b/c I was about to get on the freeway and was nervous about him having it in the backseat when I couldn't get it if needed. He loved it though...I mean who wouldn't?

Also, this morning, Nick and I had a conference with Hunter's teacher. She seems to really enjoy having him in her class. She says she loves the strong willed children, which is Hunter for sure. She would like him to stay for recess and lunch from now until the end of the year, so that will start next week. Currently, he gets picked up at 11:30 am and comes home for lunch. Now he will stay until 1pm and when I told him, he seemed very excited. We'll see how it goes on Tuesday. The hardest part is that I will have to start making his lunch every night! They are strict about what the kids eat too, so I have to follow their rules. Basically, a sandwich (no peanut butter, which will for sure make Hunter mad), fruit, veggie, and dairy (yogurt, cheese, etc). No snacks/sweets. Not too hard, but I think I'll email the teacher over the weekend to let her know Hunter is a picky eater....maybe that will change? A mom can hope.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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