Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jack 18 month update

I don't even know where to start as I haven't done an update in a is what is going on with our little cutie!

  • Jack is walking all over the place and will be running pretty soon. He knows when you are after him and he moves pretty fast! He'll be catching up to his big brother in no time.

  • He sleeps like a champ, but anytime I say that, it is a jinx. Right now he naps from 1-3:30 or 4. He goes to bed at 8am and wakes up anytime between 7:30-8:30am. I am forever grateful for that. He will hang out in his crib when he wakes up and wait for you to come get him. How did I get so lucky? God loves me.

  • Jack will eat anything. He will eat salmon, shrimp, steak, peas, asparagus, and pretty much anything else you set in front of him. I love it. It makes life easy to only have one picky eater to deal with. He really loves blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries, apples, and grapes. We eat a lot of fruit at home. Jack will beg worse than Chopper when you are eating or drinking something--enough to drive you nuts!

  • His personality is the sweetest. He will climb up in my lap and snuggle. His smile is infectious and I love his giggle. He watches his big brother a lot (which is not a good thing considering the habits he might pick up) and is fascinated by Hunter.

  • Jack will laugh when Chopper sneaks kisses. He also likes to throw food at the dog from his high chair and finds this very funny. Or let the dog grab it from his hand and this is even funnier.

  • He is just so stinkin' cute...I can't get over it. He has about 9 teeth right now. I am probably the most annoying mom ever, but it is truly amazing how many times people tell me how handsome or adorable he is when we are out in public. I can't get enough of him and just could kiss, hug, and smell that baby smell all day long (if you are a mom you won't think I'm nuts when I say I like to smell my kid). haha.

  • Jack is a mommy's boy. He went through a phase a few months ago where I was the only one who could hold him, change him, etc....not even Nick. That has mostly passed, but he is always unhappy when I walk away from him.

  • He is really figuring out what he wants and whines when he is not getting his way. If you take him away from something he is doing, he will stiffen up and scream. He also points to what he wants or will go to the fridge or pantry when he wants food.

  • He says things like "mama", "dada" and other babbling noises.

  • He likes books way more than Hunter. Hunter never wanted me to read to him at this age b/c he was too busy. I read at least 4 books to Jack every night before bed b/c he will sit so content in my lap helping to turn the pages. Plus I just love that time alone with him before bed. When we are done he will reach for his bed...I try to snuggle and sing, so either he loves his bed or hates my singing. Probably a little of both.

  • Jack is learning his body parts quite well and we are working on other things as well. I feel guilty that I don't spend as much time teaching him stuff as I did Hunter. Hunter consumes so much of our attention that Jack tags along a lot. Yikes. We do the best we can though! I'm sure this is not uncommon though. Poor second child--they get shafted is so many ways.

  • He likes Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Elmo, dancing, playing with bubbles, and climbing up steps. We don't watch much tv, but if I say we can watch Sesame Street, he runs to the tv in the family room...

Here are a few pictures of our 1 1/2 year old!

I think he looks so handsome in his plaid shoes, cute jeans, and little sweatshirt!

Dayna took these pics at Parker Mills and I just got them them!
He looks so funny here---so suspicious of what is going on...

I love this boy so much!! I hate to see him growing up right before my eyes :(

UPDATE: He went to the dr this week and weighs 24.12 pounds (34th percentile), 33 inches long (71st percentile) and 19 inch head (64th percentile).

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