Thursday, January 20, 2011

Random stuff---Basketball, PJ's, and Baths

Here's a little of what we've been up to...

It was my bad idea to bring the basketball thing out to the family room...way to much ball throwing going on outside of the playroom, especially by one 31 year old, who shall remain anonymous. Jack has learned to dunk though! Hunter being silly and making Jack mad by blocking the basket.
I know I'm biased, but aren't these boys handsome??!!

Hunter is pretty naughty these days, but at least he's cute. They are starting to play more and more all the time and I love it...and feel like I should be getting paid to referee part-time.

I was trying to get a picture of the kids in their coordinating pj's...they looked so cute. Hunter's pants match Jack's whole outfit. Now he's happy....
And now he's not....
Every once in a while the "boys" in the house do bath time in our bathroom...they turn on the jets and make lots of bubbles in the jacuzzi. I actually get so stressed watching them that I clean my closet and wait to hear Jack crying. They splash my curtains, stand up, fall down, and get soap in their eyes. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. It's fun for them, so I try to be a good sport.

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