Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting ready for Disneyworld!

We are going to Disneyworld in March and can't wait! Nick's firm has a rewards type conference there...his firm pays for 3 nights in our hotel and flights...yay Nick! We plan to extend the trip for a few days on top of that. He's very close to the top level and if he makes it to the very top I'm hoping for a Hawaii trip (no kids). I'm very excited about this either way and so are the kids. The last two years it's been in Arizona at a spa like resort, so we were thrilled to see it was at Disney this year now that our kids are old enough to have fun (at least Hunter). Saturday morning we decided to go to Great Lakes Crossing Mall to the Disney Store to get some tee-shirts, etc. for our trip. Nick ran into a friend with his little boy so we hung out with them and then checked out the mall before heading home. We got lots of tee-shirts ($6 versus probably $20 at the park). Nick surprisingly let Hunter and Jack get a stuffed animal too.
Hunter chose Buzz LightYear and he loves him! Buzz goes in the car with us and Hunter makes him meals at his table in the playroom, shows him how to do puzzles, watches tv with him, etc. It's so cute to watch.
Jack got Mickey Mouse, but he doesn't care much about him yet.
Hunter and I ran out Sunday afternoon to do a few errands...No nap, but fell asleep in the car later in the day...cuddling with Buzz and Mickey. We could be creating a monster with this wanting to take them everywhere.

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