Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quality family time...Part 1

I have taken several days off since December 23rd and Nick has not been to the office since December 23rd...We've done lots of fun things together, but mostly just hanging out at home, which is somewhat unlike us. Hunter went to the Hands on Museum (twice), Daddy & Jack took me to lunch twice, we painted, played games, made gingerbread trains, and much more. We go back to work on Monday and it will be weird getting back into our normal groove. The funniest part is that Nick has been home more than ever before with the kids (I worked three days and Nick was with the kids) and now Hunter has a new BFF named daddy. Hunter wants Nick to do everything, wants to know where he's at every second, etc. I will offer him food and he'll say "My daddy will do it!" or "I love my daddy the most!" or "My daddy is my favorite". I think it's rather amusing, but annoying at times when I want to do things for him and Nick is being lazy or doing something else. I can remember my friend Jennie telling me her son went through something similar, so I'm trying not to let it hurt my feelings--haha!

On New Year's Day Hunter and I made a gingerbread train. It was 75% off at Target a few days after Christmas, so I couldn't resist. It was lots of fun and Hunter kept eating the candy, but what else would I expect? He kept telling me he "needed to try it". I kept having to take the bubble gum balls away from him b/c I'm not letting him have gum just yet.

The perfectionist in me wanted to do it exactly the way they showed you on the box, but I had to let it go and make it fun for Hunter. He did a lot of the you can see.

Us with our finished product. I had to put it up out of reach b/c he desperately wants to get his little fingers on that candy! Daddy and Hunter did some sledding, before the snow melted. We have a decent hill in our backyard, so they had fun with some new sleds Nana got Hunter.
Sliding down backwards...Jack and I watched from inside :)
Poor kid with no mittens on...
The other night we did some baking and playing around in the kitchen...Daddy was throwing dish towels on Jack's head and he found this hilarious.

He's such a cutie and just smiles all the time
Daddy got an ice cream maker from my parents for Christmas. Nick attempted to make ice cream one evening, but he can't follow instructions. We'll leave it at that. The next night he made it again successfully. It was really yummy!!!
Hunter and I made some puppy chow while Nick (failed) at making ice cream. I made two batches b/c Nick did not want peanuts in his...but then he ended up eating it all anyway. We had a leak under our kitchen sink and the plumber would not let us pay him b/c he said it should not have happened (he installed it when house was built), so we paid him in puppy chow.

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