Monday, November 29, 2010

Random Musings

I have more Thanksgiving pictures from Saturday, but will get to those later. I have several funny pictures from the last few weeks that I'm throwing in to one post!

This is Nick eating the bottom crumbs of a cheez its box. He dumped the crumbs into the pink kids bowl and was eating them with a spoon. I was sitting on the couch taking a picture with my cell phone while I was painting my nails b/c I thought it was so ridiculous. I still love him and his silly quirks. This is how we spend our time when kids are napping--in the sunroom watching football together on the weekends!
Hunter helped me make a birthday cake and loves licking the beaters :)
I love taking pictures of this guy--he's so funny!
Hunter loves to make his "mad face" at the dinner table.
Pretty scary huh?
I was attempting to take pictures for our Christmas card, but couldn't get a good one of both kids. I love the matching pj's though, so we'll have to try again very soon.

This is a semi-annual publication from my high school (Mercy). I have some information in this most recent issue--see below! I actually got an email from an old friend who saw the piece, so I'm glad we are in there b/c we are going to get together after the holidays.

The bottom middle picture is Nick, Jack, Doctor, and me. The doctor and I graduated from Mercy in the same year. Just so happens she was on call when I went into labor with Jack, so she delivered him. Talk about awkward (at least I didn't have a bm during labor--did I just say that?!?!), but seriously, it was weird. haha. Anyway, I thought it would be a good story for the Mercy Alumni magazine. Then at the top right there is a picture of both boys.

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