Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stripes, Jack and a few other random things...

This morning as I type I'm in MN. I can't get out of bed so I took some pain meds and am lying here waiting till I can move. I hate sleeping in other places b/c if the bed isn't just right I'm miserable. We came home early from Mackinac Island a while ago b/c the bed was so bad and I couldn't move in the mornings. Maybe it's a good thing so when I see the dr today she will see I can barely move. Grrrr.

Somehow after nap Hunter was still in his pj pants and this shirt and I thought he looked funny in all of his stripes.

I took these with my cell phone the other night b/c Jack looked so cute. He loves bananas so that is a new favorite solid food for him.

Half the banana pieces usually end up in his lap and smashed into his clothes b/c he drops them. It's so funny b/c he'll pick it up, move towards his mouth, and drop it, but he thinks it went into his mouth.
I submitted a picture for the Gerber baby photo contest...the voting starts Dec 3rd, so I will be asking for you to vote when the time comes. I found a great picture, so I hope he has a chance. It's for a $25,000 college scholarship. My mother in law heard about it and suggested I send one in, so I'm giving it a try. Of course I am biased and think my kid is cute, but it is amazing how many people come up to us and tell us how beautiful he is. My mom said people used to do that to her about Emily, not me. haha.

On another unrelated note, yesterday would have been my grandmother's birthday. She passed away in July. I had written her birthday in my planner at the beginning of the year, so it was sad to see it there when she's not here anymore. My cousin and aunt went to the casino in tribute yesterday b/c my grandma (aka Hidi) loved to go to the casino. We miss her and it will be really weird this year not having her with us over the holidays.

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