Monday, November 15, 2010

Messy house...and quick update on Mayo trip

Last Saturday I went to lunch with a friend for about two hours. I came home to this. I am scared to what I will come home to after my trip. Nick and Chopper were just chilling out on the couch while the kids were tearing up the place.

Mayo update--Well, I made it to MN this morning. I had my first appointment around 1pm. They are running a few tests tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to. One involves putting needles all over, including into my muscles to see about nerve damage or something. They said I will be sore...lovely. Not to mention how much I hate needles. I hope to meet with the doctor again after that, and after their radiologists review my MRI's tomorrow. Then hopefully surgeons on Wednesday or so (scheduled for Dec 6th, but I can go on standby). I am a control freak and I hate the way they do things. You have scheduled appts, but you can go on "standby" to try to get in sooner. My follow up appt with the dr is for next Monday, but they said I may get in tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday to discuss results. I don't intend to sit here until next Monday to talk about the results, especially after the way things went with her today. My guess is that I may be home Thursday if things go decent. I hope they have some suggestions, but we'll see. I had some injections a few weeks ago that helped with my leg pain and I think it's hurting me here b/c I'm not as miserable and they aren't taking this very seriously. I'm sure they see the worst of the worst, and I'm probably not that bad compared to other people, especially at this moment due to the injections working. Grrrr. I hope things go better tomorrow. The saddest part is seeing so many people walking through the, people my age in wheelchairs, cancer patients, etc. I guess it helps me to realize things could be a lot worse! I'm exhausted and planning to go to bed early.

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