Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Jack is up to these days...

It's hard to believe I have a one and three year old.
Here is what Jack is up to these days:
  • He sleeps through the night pretty consistently. Sometimes he wakes up and cries out, but usually falls back asleep on his own.
  • Jack throws his pacifiers out of his crib, so now I have to clip one to him. I think he is smart enough to throw it out so we will come in and give them back to him.
  • Jack will copy what you do/say like "mama, dada, baba" or make other noises.
  • Jack knows what he wants. If you try to pull him away from something he wanted to do, he will scream and is not happy.
  • He hates having his diaper changed and getting dressed. He wiggles, tries to get away, and cries hysterically. It's horrible.
  • He is crawling really well and pulling him up to the standing position. I think he'll be walking soon, but I'm not rushing it.
  • Jack eats a lot of people food. He loves fruit, especially blueberries and bananas. He also loves carbs, but what little kid doesn't. We still do baby food, especially to give him his veggies. We'll start moving away from the bottle to whole milk over the next few months.
  • Going in the car is an absolute NIGHTMARE. Hunter yells, Jack copies him, Hunter gets mad that Jack is copying him, Hunter cries, then Jack cries. I get headaches, want to cry, and just can't take it. A 10 minute car ride can be horrible. I actually almost crashed my car into my parents car last night in a parking lot b/c Hunter was screaming bloody murder, I was distracted, and was within 3 inches of hitting their car. Not good. We basically try not to take them long distances b/c it's not fun right now.
  • Overall, he's relatively laid back. I feel badly that he has to deal with Hunter constantly sitting on him, taking toys away, and not being nice to him. He handles it pretty well and we do the best we can to defend him from his not so nice older brother. It's a challenging time for sure b/c Hunter gets mad easily and Jack doesn't know what he's doing wrong. I sure hope they will be friends eventually--I'm sure they will, but I have a feeling once he's walking it will get worse before it gets better.
  • We love him so much. I can't get enough of holding him, smelling him (yeah, I'm weird, but if you have a baby, you know), snuggling, tickling, and playing with him. He has the best smile and laugh. He is so adorable I can't barely believe we got so lucky with such an amazing baby!!

Seriously, isn't this the best smile and cutest eyes?

Hunter and Jack...Jack is like "what is going on here?"

We love that laugh!

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