Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well, I have been MIA for over a week b/c we were up north. I thought I would blog about our trip from up there, but there was just no time. We came home a little early b/c my grandma (Hidi) passed away on July 3rd. The funeral was today...more on that later. Well, hope to get some pictures up soon...we had a good time, but it was exhausting! Hunter didn't nap and didn't sleep well, so we are all happy to be home and sleeping in our own beds. Nick and I are off tomorrow as we were supposed to still be up north. We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Nick and I hardly spent any time alone together, so we are just waiting for 8pm so we can hang out tonight for a few hours when the kids go to bed :)

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

I've missed Hopwood Happenings! Glad you are back and I am so sorry about Hidi. I hope she is at peace now. Enjoy the rest of your time off.