Friday, July 16, 2010

Independence Lake

Last weekend we took the kids to Independence Lake and spray park for a picnic lunch. It was a really nice day and we didn't have much going on for lunch. We had a good time playing in the lake and at the spray park...It's a Washtenaw county park and only takes about 12 minutes to get there from our house!
You can see Hunter in the right corner running away from me to go play in the spray zone. It's nice b/c they are super close together and you can go back and forth easily.

Picnic lunch--he has the cheesiest smile!
Well, this weekend will be interesting...we are converting Hunter's crib to a toddler bed. He has climbed out a lot this week (including three times last night between 9pm-4am). My eyes hurt b/c I'm so tired. It will be a challenge to keep him in there and I have a feeling we will be in for a rough couple of weeks while we get adjusted to this new thing. I have procrastinated b/c he's so great in his crib and loves it, but now that he can climb out, we have to change. I am dreading it and praying it will go better than I'm thinking it will. I suppose all parents go through it, but I'm still not looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

I think it will go more smoothly than you think; I thought it would be hard w/ Leo but it was easy. Good Luck, be firm!