Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Church Festival--and we're making progress with sleeping

We are doing better with Hunter's sleeping. I have gotten him to stay in his room and eventually he will go to sleep. I have to start by standing outside his door (with it cracked)...I keep my back to him and ignore him. He goes back and forth to make sure I am there, but eventually gives up. It got to a point yesterday where I could be downstairs and if he came to his door I'd say "don't make me come up there" and he would run back to bed. He still woke up and came to our room twice in the night last night. The best part is he wants Nick to take him back to bed--thank you Hunter. Nick sits there next to him till he falls asleep, which I don't agree with, but he'll have to figure that out on his own. Hopefully a week or two from now we'll be in a good place with this.

Here are some pictures from our church festival. I didn't take that many, but here are a few.

I was selling raffle tix with Jack for two hours and this is what Hunter and Nick were up to. When I saw it later I could not believe Nick let Hunter go on this big inflatable obstacle course alone. Even the volunteer lady saw us at church on Sunday and came up to me saying she couldn't believe Hunter was 2 and made it through this! Most of the kids were 5 or older.

This wall was super can see the size of kids that were mostly on it next to Hunter...even my parents and Gigi were amazed he could climb up this (or was brave enough to try). I was standing outside of it behind the whole thing taking pics.

This is what I would consider as an "age appropriate" inflatable!

Jack had fun taking it all was HOT though!

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