Friday, April 9, 2010

The things Hunter says...

Now that Hunter is talking ALL the time, the things that come out of his mouth are just hilarious. I know anyone with a kid around the same age can relate. I should start a journal writing down all the funny things that he says, but here are just a few from yesterday.

"Bye bye yellow pee-pee" (this is what he says after he uses the potty and goes to flush it. He knows his colors, so you gotta give him credit.)

"My butt broke" (he said this at least ten times yesterday. I don't know what he did, but the night before he slid down the steps or something and had a big scrape on it. So all day, he was pointing and telling us his butt broke.)

"Daddy SSSSHHHHH"(Nick likes to sing sometimes and it's rather obnoxious if you ask me. Hunter agrees b/c when Nick does it, Hunter tells him to stop!)

"Jack has a mini wee-wee". It's true, but I just ignore this one. Poor Baby Jack.

I never get to go to the restroom by myself when I'm home with the kids. It's ok, I'm used to it now. I went to the bathroom yesterday and got an applause. He said "Yay Mommy!!" and was clapping for me. I said "Thanks honey. I've only been using the potty for about 30 years now!"
It was funny b/c Monica (our nanny) said the day before that Hunter was sitting at the table eating lunch and she ran to the bathroom and when she came out he did the same thing saying "Yay Monica!!" and clapping. I was cracking up. I guess she likes to go with some privacy--I don't blame her.

Besides all of the above he probably tells me I'm a boy about 20 times a day. When I feel like responding I say "Well if mommy is a boy then Hunter is a girl" It makes him soooo mad which makes me laugh even harder.

Have a good weekend!

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