Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Random Musings

1) Hunter has had a cold lately and has been so picky about eating. Dinner time has been miserable...he won't eat, cries, we are frustrated, and it just makes us all crabby. Nick and I had been up the night before with Jack almost all night and we just decided on the fly to have this for dinner on Monday night. Hey, at least it's not fast food! I had a craving for it recently for a snack so that's why we had it in the house. It was Hunter's first time having it and of course he loved it. He had 3 bowls.

2) We got this bouncer for Jack. I get this weekly email from St. Joseph Hospital where I delivered both kids. Ironically, the email I got just yesterday talks about how these are unsafe. I am sure it'll be fine and I figure the worst thing that can happen is it falls off the doorframe and hits him in the head. Nick and I agreed that we would take our chances.

3) I saw these mini Ben & Jerry's ice cream things at Target ($1.25 each). I thought they were so cute, so I bought a few. I should post another time about how I go to Target to get 5 things and walk out with a cart full of stuff totaling $150 or more (ie. Peanut Butter Captain Crunch above). Hunter had this last night for dessert. I swear (well, not in front of the kids) that we do feed our kids healthy food a lot of the time!

4) Isn't this the cheesiest smile ever? He doesn't really have an underbite, but smiles like such a goofball.

His nose is all red b/c he'd been out playing with the neighbors. I won't lie, I bribed him with the ice cream to come inside...otherwise he throws a fit b/c he wants to stay out and play--and it was bedtime and I was desperate.

5) Isn't this just the cutest little guy?? We just love him soooo much!!

One of the very few times he is napping without being held. He's way too spoiled. Little does he know we'll be rocking his world soon when he has to cry it out in his crib!

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