Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm a happy mom today!

I never thought I would take figuring out where Hunter would start pre-school so seriously. However, Nick and I went to visit a pre-school nearby (5 minutes from our house) today. It's a Christian Montessori called Go Like The Wind. We were there for about an hour with the Administrator (basically the Principal). We both really liked the school and the Administrator (Doug). You could see the kids did too. Many of them said "hi" to him and several little kids ran out to give him a hug. Nick said he hated his Principal in school and it was nice to see Doug is liked and seems really nice and approachable. Hunter will start pre-school there this fall...yippee! We heard a lot of great things and it was such a nice environment. They said almost every kid can read at a 2nd grade public school level by the time they are 5 years old at their school. The whole philosophy is awesome and I'm just so excited. The kids can go there through 9th grade. Even though it's just pre-school he might be there through middle school. Plus, he will be making friends here and 85% of his brain development takes place in the first 5 years of his life, so it is important to get him off on the right foot.

Last week (spring break), I had two teachers come in to review their accounts with me. Both teach in the public school system--one middle school and one high school. They both are very disturbed with the direction things are going with the public school system. Both have been teachers for over 20 years. The one teacher said "If you can keep him out of public school, you should. If I had a young child I would put them in Montessori". I hadn't even told her that's what we were thinking! I certainly don't want to get into a whole debate, but the one teacher who teaches middle school said that just the day before spring break started the police were at her middle school b/c a boy was selling marijuana out of his locker--in 7th grade!! And a girl got suspended for doing some "really bad things" (she told me what, but I will not repeat) with a boy in the bathroom--in middle school!! I did not know what the "really bad thing" was or know what marijuana was when I was in middle school. The other client who teaches high school said things are just unbelievable with the teacher to student ratio (it's 48 to 1 in her class b/c of layoffs). She told me they are not teaching--they are just trying to maintain order. This was very upsetting and it's just scary to think this is what is going on. This is not what we want for Hunter. I am hoping by putting him in a better environment we can try to shelter him from some of this stuff. Of course it is our job to teach him what is right and wrong, but I want him in the best possible environment that will set him up for the best chance at succeeding in life.

Nick and I have never agreed on this subject. I would prefer private/Catholic/Montessori, whatever. Nick has always stood firm that our property taxes are high enough and why would we pay for school. He went to public school and did just fine. Today he changed his mind after visiting the school (and hearing what my clients said). I thought there would have to be some serious negotiating to get him to agree to pay for this, but he said yes in the parking lot! I said "I love you honey and I will fill out the application tonight!" before he changes him mind. I have been planting seeds from before we ever had kids, but I was seriously afraid that he would not come to see things my way. I thought maybe once we had kids he would change his mind and want the best thing for them. He still said no. Today, something must have happened...I will have to talk to him more about it tonight to find out. As we stood thanking the Administrator for his time Nick said "So, how much does this cost anyway?" Doug went into his office to get the rates. I told Nick to please not to break out into a sweat. He didn't. He just stared at the sheet and we went on our way...in the parking lot I said "So, can Hunter start here in the fall?" and Nick said "Yes". That simple. I was thrilled. I probably would have nagged and begged until I got my way anyway, but it was awesome not to have to do that and I'm so thankful!

This is why I'm a happy mom today!

**I know not all public schools are bad. I know bad things happen in private schools too.

Our Future Pre-Schooler!

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