Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More pictures from the Detroit Zoo

Here are more pictures from our visit to the zoo with Amber!

Hunter and I are buddies lately. He does not like daddy so much. I have to do everything and Nick can hardly even talk to Hunter without Hunter getting mad...it's just a phase, but I think it hurts Nick's feelings. I know the tables will turn on me someday, but I feel badly for Nick right now.

Hunter and Amber in the butterfly house

Mommy & Hunter

There were lots of pretty butterflys just flying around freely in this huge room

Amber pretty much gave Hunter all the change she had to let him throw it in the fountain. He kept saying, "more. more. more" until she was broke!

The prarie dog area...Hunter and Amber climbed down in the hole area so I could take their picture.

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

Koji feels Nick's pain--has felt it a lot. Leo was that way in spades and still is some days but it's gotten better. Maya definitely prefers med but is not as bad as Leo was. We loved the Detroit zoo! Hunter is so cute!