Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hide & Seek, Smoothies...and Jack

Hunter loves to play "hide & seek". I don't know why we didn't think of this game before a month or so ago. He sits on the couch and covers his eyes (and apparently likes to stick his rear end in the air) while I count to 15...Nick goes to hide. It's quite easy to find Nick--all you have to do is look for Chopper and you'll find him. Hunter runs around looking for him and gets so excited when he finds him yelling "more daddy, more daddy, more!"

Hunter can also be a real pain about eating dinner. So, if he doesn't eat much we often make smoothies for dessert. He loves to help me make them and we've been letting him drink his from a big boy cup by himself. You can see the mess he makes on his face, but I think he looks so cute!
Thought I'd include one of Jack too...he's just not as exciting to photograph yet. He is the best baby ever though. He is smiling a ton, making lots of noise, and just being an easy-going baby. The baby never cries...we are so fortunate!! I have a video of him smiling and making noises that I'll post soon.
We are back from Arizona. The weather was disappointing and we are still tired, but loved to be able to eat our meals in peace, read, stay at a gorgeous resort, go for walks, and spend some quality time together. We did get to sleep a decent amount too, which was great. Thanks again Nana as we know you are tired! We drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of nice meals...thank you Nick for working hard to qualify and thanks to his company for rewarding him!

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

We love hide and seek--we played it even when we lived in A2 in our Apt but Leo didn't get it as well as he gets it now. Maya plays too and she likes to look for people so she switches teams all the time. Your trip to Az sounds fab. Dinner time can be the worst in our house too. Leo is not an eater! I should try smoothies too!