Friday, March 12, 2010

Jack is 4 months old this week...

I meant to post this on Tuesday, but have had a busy week. I don't know where the time has gone, but I can hardly believe Jack is 4 months old...on the 9th.

Here is what's going on:
  • He is still drooling a lot and loves to suck his thumb and fingers. I'm not positive if he's an official "thumb sucker" yet, but we'll see. He likes the pacifier too. Hunter liked both as a baby, but grew out of both by 5 months or so and doesn't suck his thumb or take a pacifier. Lucky me. Jack just has a lot to live up to!
  • Jack is really alert when he's awake. He looks around, grabs at his toys, and loves it when we interact with him.
  • He is smiling and laughing and making lots of noise. Just this week when Hunter gets near him and laughs, Jack will smile and laugh/coo back at him. It's sooooo cute.
  • Jack is still not as good of a sleeper at night as Hunter was. We were spoiled. He has had a few nights where he slept from 8:30-4 or 5am, but usually he gets up between 12:30-3pm, eats and goes back to sleep. Then up again at 4:30-5:30am and just wants to be held. I usually bring him back to lay with me so I can sleep a little longer--and he will fall back asleep. I never did this with Hunter, but I'm so tired that I'm doing whatever I can to get a little more sleep! Nick and I are both really tired and just wish he would start to sleep through the night soon. God knows I need my sleep so I hope he will answer my prayers soon.
  • He has his 4 month checkup next week, so we'll see what the doctor says about his percentiles. He is pretty chubby for sure. He has some major leg rolls, but they are adorable.

Have a good weekend. My in-laws are coming tomorrow and they just got back from Texas and haven't seen the kids since mid-December, so we're excited for them to see our kids. Hunter can now say "Dori" (Nick's mom). He learned to say it from Finding Nemo and pronounces it "Dough-E". She will be excited to hear him say her name finally!

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