Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving and Deja Vu (not really)

Well, I am way behind on blogging, but I'll get to that in a minute. Here are pictures from the Thanksgiving Feast at Hunter's week ago :) The kids do all the work to put the food together for us and we had a good time spending it with Hunter. He told me he washed potatoes and decorated the tables. I love how they teach the kids all about the practical stuff! He was being rather silly and not cooperating for pictures as you will see. I still think he looks handsome when I dress him nice for school. I know I'm biased.

Being silly with mommy :)

Not wanting to smile with daddy...I wonder what Hunter will have to say for himself 25 years from now or when he has his own kids and they are doing the same thing to him. I wonder if Nick did this to his parents...???

So, on to the deja vu part and lack of blogging. Yes, I'm taking a moment to vent. My back is KILLING ME. I have no idea what I did, but I woke up Saturday morning in so much pain. Nerve pain that I had last December when I was about to have surgery and then cancelled at the last minute. I honestly can say I haven't felt this bad since last December and it is flat out unbearable. I have debated for two days about going to the ER at U of M, just to get seen quickly. A client (surgeon at UM) pulled a favor and got me in to see someone on December 19th (they told me spring when I called), so I appreciate that, but don't even know if I can wait that long. Several people have said if you go to the ER if you are desperate (which I am), you will get seen. My legs feel SO heavy. I can barely walk up steps. I can't sit for long's bad. I just can't believe this is happening. After feeling this way for the holiday last year, I just am so upset that it's happened again. I'm freaking out about having surgery...ahhh...hope it doesn't come to that, but I feel like it might if I can't get something figured out soon to give me some relief. I wake up feeling decent (still bad, but somewhat tolerable), but it gets progressively worse throughout the day and by 8pm, I'm so miserable. Please say a prayer for me!!!!

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