Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random fun with kids

More catching up...we've been doing lots of fun stuff lately---see below :)

Here are pictures from Olivia's Birthday Party at Jump City...she is in Hunter's class. Jump City is a huge hit with the pre-schoolers. We actually had a similar type place in Canton, and then another birthday party on Sunday at Jump City again! I'm not sure how I will handle two crazy birthday parties in one weekend, but I fully expect a good nap out of Hunter after attending.

Yes, that is my wild child going down face first!!

When he runs around and exerts so much energy he starts sweating and his face turns bright red--it's pretty funny on a 4 year old.
They have a separate room where they had pizza, dessert, etc for all the kids. I think at least half of Olivia's class was there. It was so sweet--they gave out these little cupcakes decorated with the child's name on them as a favor (along with a toy)...they were so cute!

Connie (my cousin), picked up this for the kids. It's this cardboard house and I guess she got it for about $2 on Halloween clearance at World Market. I put it together in five minutes and it has provided A LOT of entertainment! Thanks Connie!!

Jack did not get the concept of going in the door, so he kept going through the window...what a "cute little tooshie" as we call it in our house!

It's meant to be painted, so we've not only colored on it for several days, but we pulled out finger paint the other night and let the kids go to town. I was freaking out when Jack would take off away from me with blue hands...I was so nervous he was going to touch a wall! He did give Chopper a blue head, but oh well.

Finger paint is fun!

Somehow it turned into the kids painting themselves. Hunter's belly button still might have some blue paint in it. It was straight to the tub when we were done!
As I mentioned in another post, my parents got these foam blocks and bin for Jack. The kids have been having fun climbing in and asking me to bury them.

Jack gets stuck in there, which is rather amusing.

Have a great weekend. Nick is at the U of M game today and Connie is babysitting Jack while I take Hunter to soccer and then a birthday party. My back just can't handle doing those two things with both kids. Sunday we have another birthday party, so it will be a fun weekend for Hunter at least! haha.

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