Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Jack

Today at 9:30am Jack officially turned 2 years old. He woke up bright and early at 5:45am (not cool!!) He must have been eager to start the day! Hunter slept until 7:30 am, so on the bright side, Jack and I got to spend some time alone together before the tornado appeared. We had yogurt and strawberries for breakfast. I think he would eat 50 strawberries if I let him. Julie took him to the mall to play for a little bit and then met Connie and I for lunch. I appreciate Julie bringing him to meet us and I treated everyone to lunch :) Jack sat between Connie and I, but when the food came I tried to put him in his high chair...wasn't gonna happen. He was way happier goofing around in between us. I was just happy to get to see him (thanks Julie)!

Tonight when I get home from work my parents, Gigi and Aunt Emily are coming over to see Jack and help me with the kids. Nick has a seminar thing that he's speaking at tonight. Men are just not smart at times. He asked me months ago if he could do the seminar on November 9th and I politely reminded him that it was our son's birthday...somehow he booked it anyway. I was not happy, but I'm over it now and I hope he feels guilty enough on his own without me making it worse. I know Jack doesn't know the difference, but it just makes me sad that we won't be together. Hopefully he has learned a lesson and won't do it when the kids are old enough to know daddy is not around. He's going to come home for an hour to see the kids in between work and the seminar, so that will be nice. Overall he's a great daddy to both kids, so I'm trying to make the best of it.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of Jack and how much he's changed in the last two years--time flies!

Just a couple of days old...just got home from the hospital :)

Jack when he turned 1. This is one of my favorite pictures of him!

This morning sitting in his high sweet and innocent (most of the time).

Jack and I at lunch with Connie/Julie. He's lucky to have us three girls there giving him all the attention! Gosh, it's so much easier going out with just one child!!

Jack had fun playing with Connie. He kept trying to squeeze in behind her and was being silly :)

I will post tomorrow about all that he's been up he has his two year check-up and I'll have his stats. I guess this week my blog will be mostly dedicated to my little sweetie pie.

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