Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why? and other conversations with my three year old

Recent questions from Hunter:

1) Why is my pee yellow? I'm not really sure. It just is.

2) Why are you and daddy married? B/c we love each other.

3) Why do you love each other? B/c we just do. So much that we got married and had you and Jack.

4) Why did you have me? B/c we wanted kids and we love you.

5) Why do you love me? Sometimes I'm not sure. Just kidding...I didn't say that, but was thinking it after the last few weeks we've had!

6) Why don't you have a wee-wee? B/c mommy's don't. Only boys and daddy's. Why? That's how God made us.

I've found that using God is extremely helpful in answering questions. When he asks why it's raining, I can just say "I guess God wanted it to rain today" Or when he says why do I have a mole on my arm I can say "That's just the way God made me". It's a very easy way to answer most of his questions!

Also, the other day, he was going to the bathroom and I went in to check on him to make sure he wasn't pulling toilet paper off the roll, splashing water, etc. and he ran to the door saying "I want privacy!" and then trying to shut the door on me. I had to laugh b/c I explained to him a few days ago that when I am in the shower or in the bathroom and like to have "privacy"...why he asks...b/c mommy's like to shower and go to the bathroom alone sometimes. I feel like I only go to the bathroom by myself when I'm at work (which many moms tell me is common). We had a long discussion about what privacy means. Now whenever I'm trying to check on him he'll tell me how he wants his privacy. He is still not aware of a lot of things in regards to body parts, etc, but we are getting to a point where we're trying to talk about privacy and not having to have conversations at the shower door in the morning.

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