Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random stuff from the last few days in pictures (creative title, huh?)

One of the last pictures of Jack with a binkie...sort of. Starting last Saturday we took the binkie away during the day. He still gets it at nap time and bed time, but no longer during the day. At his 18 month checkup the doctor said we should try get rid of it soon. Hunter didn't suck his thumb or have a binkie, so is our first time dealing with it. He has been fine during the day so far, but bed time will be so much harder I'm sure. I'm not ready to fight that battle yet and he's still young, so I don't see the big deal. The doctor is slightly concerned about his bite and she said it's very common with this style of binkie. It will correct itself when the binkie is gone, so I'm sure he'll be fine!

Playing outside before the sitter came last Saturday evening....he loves playing with Hunter's "big boy toys".

This caterpillar is so cute! It bounces and makes cute noises when the wheels turn. I got it for $15 at a Mom 2 Mom sale recently--I was volunteering and couldn't resist it. In case you were wondering, it's for the kids, not me. I also rode the tricycle (you can see in above picture) with Jack. I stood on the back and we were going super fast down the driveway. I think I had more fun than him going up and down the driveway.

Sunday we went to the mill pond in Brighton and saw tons of baby geese. Another boy and his mom had bread they were feeding them and gave us some. The big ones were hissing at us and it sort of freaked me out. There were just SO many of them around!

Sunday night Matt and Jacquelyn came over. Matt and Hunter were building big towers with the blocks and knocking them over. He has a great touch with our kids. I'm so happy that he is Hunter's godfather and sets such a great example for him. I am beyond excited to see Matt and Jacquelyn with a baby!

Tuesday my mom watched the kids for us b/c our nanny was off. My mom felt so horrible, but Jack fell on the concrete sidewalk and has a big lump/bruise on his forehead. I am not the least bit mad b/c it happens and she wasn't being careless or anything, but she feels badly since that was the first time something has ever happened--and she used to watch the kids a lot more (a few days per week when Hunter was a baby).
Jack and I went to see Gigi's new place. She moved from her home in Ann Arbor to Independence Village in Brighton. We had a really nice time and I really like her new digs. Jack had fun playing on her balcony, seeing the fish in this fountain they have, seeing birds they have in the entryway, and getting attention from all the old people!

I could not get one picture of them both looking at me at the same time.

Isn't this picture of Chopper so cute? The dog gets on my last nerve these days, but I had to pull out my cell phone for this. Chopper loves to sleep on anything that is for the kids (blankets, pillows, etc). I also love that his tongue is sticking out :)

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