Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Friday and Sports Update

Hunter started karate and soccer in the same week. We were on a wait list for karate and it just so happened to open up the same week that soccer started. Things got off to a rough start with both sports. What we basically figured out is that he does not do well with us sitting and watching him from the sidelines. We had to switch into the parent/child soccer class, which has worked out well (or at least when I take him...Nick has not had such a good experience). Karate has gone well the last two weeks. Last week I dropped him off and he cried for a minute and then did fine after that...and participated in all the activities. Yesterday when I took him, I intended to drop him off again, but he said "mommy, will you stay and watch me?" I said yes, as long as he stayed out on the mat with his classmates...and he did. I think karate will be good for him. He really has to listen, respect his teacher, and be more disciplined. I am hoping it will carry over more to home! I am really proud of him and the fact that he's doing better each week with these sports. Nick would be sad if Hunter was not into sports, but I won't allow him to force it on Hunter if it's not his thing. I don't believe sports should be stressful or not fun when you are three years old. I more look at it as a way to interact with other kids outside of pre-school and get that energy out :)

Last week at soccer. I took him and he did awesome. He listened to the coach and we had fun playing together.
He would run up to the coach and say "watch how hard I can kick this ball!!"...too funny!

I just had to throw this in there....I love a sleeping child. Especially when it means no screaming in the backseat while we're driving places.

Have a great Friday and weekend!!

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