Friday, April 8, 2011

First karate lesson

Nick has some clients who own a karate studio in Plymouth, so we decided to give it a try. I've heard it can be really good for getting out aggression, learning to listen, discipline, and respect. All things most three year olds could use more of! I didn't have high expectations after the way soccer has been going...and I was right. He did give it a try, but did a lot of running back and forth to me crying. I am really going to try to stick with it for a month (3 more times) and if it's not working out, I think we'll take a break and try again in the fall. It's really hard to figure out how far to push your kids, but I really try to keep it fun and remember that he's only 3. Nick gets more frustrated with him not staying out there and the tears, but maybe he's just not ready. I just don't want sports to be a traumatizing experience for him and it's not not worth it to me at this age to push it too far. We did go get ice cream afterwards b/c he got out there for a while, so maybe that will help him get out there next time if we talk about getting ice cream afterwards! The instructor was very patient with him and kept trying to encourage him to come out there...even while the other kids took a break she let him do some kicking and punching alone with her--he was smiling and you could tell he was enjoying it. I sometimes think us being there is worse b/c he can see us, but we aren't allowed to just drop him off.

Punching the paddle with each hand They did some kick moves and he did really well with it
Listening to the instructor and getting ready to do some running around

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