Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family fun during the week

After dinner we like to try to go for walks, play with the kids, take baths, etc. The other day, my grandma (Gigi) gave me this hand mixer. I don't know how old it is, but clearly it's from before they had electric hand mixers! The funny part is they have one in Hunter's classroom and it's one of his favorite things to do. They can make bubbles with it and do other fun things, so I was really excited to show Hunter what Gigi gave to us.

He was very excited to "make bubbles" with it.

It's just like the one at his school and I'm pretty sure he will be the only one using it, but that is ok. I can remind him that his Gigi gave it to us!
Then we pulled the easel out into the kitchen for some coloring and painting. If you look closely, Nick is painting Hunter. Lovely. He had blue paint in his belly button for at least 5 days.

I was helping Jack to color, but he was more interested in playing with the markers and box...and rolling the markers all over the floor. Using finger paint is so fun!

Nick and I are NOT creative and don't really care for "art projects". We are both Type A people, so I'm trying really hard to work with our kids to like this kind of thing.

I'm dreading the projects that Hunter will have to do later in his school career.

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