Monday, March 28, 2011

Random catch-up!

I still have some fun pictures of Disney to post, but here are some other random things...

1) Hunter went to soccer on Saturday. I stayed home with Jack so Nick could have some bonding time with Hunter. When they got home Hunter walked in crying, saying, "I don't want to play soccer!" I guess lots of kids had meltdowns, so we'll try again next week. He said he wanted me to take him next week, so maybe we'll all go and see how that works. I asked Nick to take the camera and none of the pictures he took turned out--not cool.

2) Yesterday Hunter and I went for walk. I planned to walk Chopper and pull Hunter in the wagon, but Hunter decided he wanted to walk before we got down the driveway. We had SO MUCH FUN. I haven't had such fun and special time with him in a long time. We walked for 50 minutes through the nature trails in our subdivision...we held hands the whole time and talked. I didn't want to go home! He even peed in the woods b/c we were gone so long :) We talked about tubing this summer at the lake, swimming, animals in the woods, school, being a big brother, etc. It was just a great time talking about stuff and having that special time with him. I want to do that more often. He was a chatterbox and it was adorable. He also rode his bike for a few minutes and is getting good!

3) I spoke at mass yesterday and did a great job, if I do say so myself! I talked slowly and several people told me afterwards that I did good...including Nick. I am glad it's over, but felt like I wasn't even nervous once I got going.

4) The Maddux family came to visit last week for the evening when we got back from Disney. They live in Texas (boo-hoo) and were driving through on the way to see their family on the west side of the state. They are the ones who gave us the flu bug...haha. I wished they lived closer b/c they are such great friends! Suz and I have so much in common and our husbands tease us saying we want to be like each other, but really we are just a lot alike.

Linnea, Jack, Hunter, Beau, and Baby Jillian.

Baby Jillian & Jack :) So cute!!

Linnea, Hunter and Beau. I know if they lived closer we'd hang out all the time and the kids do so good together. Justin & Beau...Justin and Nick were college roommates. I think it could be dangerous if they lived too close b/c Nick and Justin would be rubbing off on each other.

Giving goodbye hugs

5) These are the last two cute pictures before we chopped off Jack's hair. He doesn't look like a baby anymore and I'm pretty sad about it, but it needed to get done. It was funny b/c our nanny said she was sad too so we must have been thinking the same thing. Dayna, who does Hunter's hair (and mine), said she had to bust out the clippers b/c there was SO much hair.

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